Everyone struggles with anticipating their grocery bill every month. A grocery price book is a tool to help you stay within budget. You can even eat out without wrecking your budget goals. Are you ready to cut your current grocery bill in half?
How To Save Money On A Tight Budget
Trying to figure out how to save money on a tight budget? When you are looking for ways to save money you will constantly find articles on how to cut your budget. But what if you have a lower income and cutting your budget just isn’t feasible? In this writing you will discover new ways to save money without cutting your budget.
Are Debt Settlement Companies Legitimate
Debt settlement companies are legit but only some. Learn how to spot a debt settlement company that will scam you. Follow these guidelines to find the right company to help you.
What Is a Sinking Fund
A sinking fund is a short-term savings account used to make large purchases in the future. Some examples…vet bills, vacations, home maintenance, self-care, new appliances, etc. Sinking funds make it possible for you to pay cash for items you would normally finance and pay interest on. You don’t need to change how much you save per month to start building one. I’ll show you how to continue to build your emergency fund and one sinking fund at the same time without changing how much you save per month.
What Makes Your Credit Score Go Up
Did you know your payment history, credit utilization, and the age of your credit accounts have the biggest impact on your credit score? If you miss a payment your credit score will drop… no surprise there. But if you start paying off your debt you could see a significant increase in your score.